Monday, April 25
thanks grace ! (: but i gues i'll have t wait awile longer. cos now im also not very ready. i see how kayy (: i'll consult u if i have problems ! (:
drummer princess departed20:15
Sunday, April 24
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists.""Why do you say that?" asked the customer."Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist.Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick peopleWould there be abandoned children?If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain.I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things."The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument.The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard.He looked dirty and unkempt.The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist.""How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber."I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!""No!" the customer exclaimed."Barbers don't exist, because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside.""Ah, but barbers DO exist! " answered the barber."What happens, is, people do not come to me.""Exactly!" affirmed the customer."That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."oh yes. i got it from a message from friendster and found it so meaningful.gosh. i just made my mom so angry last night when it was her bday celebration.she got angry cos my aunt revealed tht i might get baptised in the later part of my life.but what she just didnt wanna absorb wa tht i respect her decision thts why im not getting baptised ! ): but i shall continue having faith and trust in his work !
drummer princess departed09:54
Wednesday, April 20
oh yay ! i uploaded my pictures. haha. finally i had the time ! (:
drummer princess departed20:28
Tuesday, April 19
due t stupid reasons. the comp is dwn yet agn.. so i shall tag here !
anyway. the comp is so lousy i shall spend sat at dexter's doing up my blog and hmwk.
aw shuck. theres so much t catch up ! im such a lazy person !
aww. azura u sweet lil thing ! (: smiles widely at u ! rmbr when u come back must visit me first hor ! (: thanks eileen ! aww yixin loves yous ! (:
drummer princess departed22:43
Monday, April 18

the gift2

drummer princess departed10:54

the gift wanling and zhiqi gave me for my bday (: sweetest things.

Sunday, April 17
whahaha. im old and mature alrd ! every darlings out there.. thank yous all very much for remembering and i greatly appreciated all the kindest intentions ! okkay ah ! im maturealrd ! dun call me a baby ! i'll really try not t whine so much la kayy ! (:
haha who's cher ? anyway.. haha
aww u didnt scare me haha :)
kenny ! thanks. we needed the luck (:
anyway yayyay we got the gold althou i admit tht im a lil greedy and really wanted the honours.. haha but hmm. i think i shall be contented. maybe we'll all try t bring the juniors t greater heights and they can help us t get the honours ! (: oh my. im really ambitious :/ hah.
eileen ! yeo yoh ! haha anyway thanks alot for encouraging us ! t tell u the truth u actually calmed me dwn with ur presence and making me laugh so i wun feel too stressed. but the tuning room was like the signal. really scary ! :/ but afraid not yixin ! everyone's there is behind u and they will support crescent band because they knw tht we really did try at least not like some acsb ppl who go there just t make a fool outta themselves and disgrace percussionist and of course make themselves look stupid. shldnt they at least make the effort t play properly ? what if they are rich and can take the competition so lightly. i think they shld just get cop t teach them the lesson. haix. but i guess i shldnt say anything else. i just pray tht some sense wld be knocked into them and they wld understand tht this is a music contest not clown contest.. sorry t sound so mean.. ):
aishah granddaughter ! yes we got gold and the nxt time u'll be the senior ! get honours kayy ! i'll support u ! get tickets for me t go watch ! (: i wun be a stress factor there i promise ! i'll be like eileen t ease all ur stress ! (:
thankey jiali ! u sweet lil darling ! (: and of course aishah ! thanks ! (: every lil msg just enlarges my smile ! thanks ! ((:
thankew my fellow monsters too. dexxy raf and richard. er ge. papa and dai kor dai ! thanks for hearin me whine whole day cos im the only girl there as usual and i really cant join in the conversation and so i really wanted wanling and zhiqi t be there but its ok. its really nice hearing guys talk too esp when u guys are childish talkers ! (: whahaha. tht really tickles ! haha.
aww and i truely love my humongous tigger given by the many sweeties ! and i have t dg out my box from my box of favourite gifts so i'll put the names here agn alright ! (: anyway im really thankful for the jia bung sai too ! althou now no sound alrd but really thankful ! (: thanks loads !
happy birthday t me ! ((:
drummer princess departed20:42
Saturday, April 16

i love my band and its stuck in my memory ! im gng japan with u guys on 1st june ! i cant wait*#

drummer princess departed10:56
Friday, April 8
aww. ive been so stressed up these days.
and i really have t thank ppl for encouraging me all the way.
jeslin: for making me realise tht doing chem and bio tys cld be fun too ! (:
cynthia: for making me realise i cld work hard if i wanted to too.
jerilyn: for helping me cos i refused t listen t mr loh in class. [nt tht i hate him but i dont want t get muddled up learning too many ways when all comes t same answer]
mr loh: for waking me and letting me realise tht ive been finding excuses all my life deluding myself from the truth
wanling: for being my companion and listen t my sorrows cos i knw they really irritate but u still did tolerate me
wanteng: for putting up with my nonsense in class
kalai and zel: making me laugh so much so tht all burden are gone and make me happy agn
mel.c: for making me realise how lil toys are really interesting too !
evon: helping me be more hardworking althou im still really slack owing tchers alot of work
yanting kavina xiaojie ! : for tolerating me during practicals cos im really blur and in my own world when everyone is focus and getting the solutions quickly and im there nt knwing what t do and irritating yanting with all my nonsense ! hah
zhixin.t: for making my practicals more lively althou i always got scolded by her for being so hu tu ! yuting: haha. for making me happy laughing at u and melc didnt say i act cute when she said u attract attention.. she said i am actually clever ! aha ! (: AC !
sophia: for being my companion making me happy everyday with ure pretty smiles
dexter: for edging me on and making me feel im not the lousiest but the most powerful ! (:
thank Q all for making a diff in my life. i'll try t be a better woman ! (: hah
and hah. tdays really nice cos we managed t see the gift we got for kavina ! and its really pretty and got all jealous and envious. btw. kavina ! i felt really sorry for ure bad bad bronchitic cough ! its reall sad thave such stupid things ruining all plans forure sweet sixteenth ! rest well take care alrights ! (: if u really dun get well on ure bday den ure always welcomed t come share my day yeah ? (: its only one week later ! (: haha so take care my precious ones !
the cards for ngeeann dunearn anglican haising are really pretty and i like it ! u all must realy feel honoured ah ! (:
drummer princess departed23:54
Saturday, April 2
aww. my ingenious lil joke on tsunami..its supposed t be corny. not wisely la.dun actually need t take it so seriously wan.and yes. its QUITE lame.tht i agree.i cldnt really think well already cos i was really half asleepbut i just wanted t put a lil smile on everyone's face before they sleep.yes tht was main stop chiding me ! :/hahamaybe nxt time i think of smth better kayy ! (:and i feel quite bad for making a joke outta it alrd. aww shuck i shl have thot of a better mean of me t make use of it as a joke !SORRY everyone.and did i tell u tht dunearn's chioce piece was so freaky tht i was freaked tooa journey t hell !spooky right !i cant stand it just felt very queazy thou i was trying t control very much.but the french horn was really nice.i was the flute solo very beautiful.but having night practics is turning me off.i just cant focus well enough !well well.tata for now.
drummer princess departed16:07